Lidar Cleaning and Protecting

At MCi, we strive to offer actuation solutions ahead of the cycle. To enable safe autonomous driving, multiple sensors are required. Our data showed that the availability of the (optical) sensors such as Lidar and Camera is greatly affected by the cleanliness of the lens. In 2015 MCi took the initiative to search for the best technology to secure the highest possible sensor up time.
Protect and Clean.
Conventional protection of the lens such as coatings suffer from wear and deterioration by e.g. UV. Understanding the use case of the sensor package, MCi concluded that the protection of the lens in the situation the car is not used, eliminates a key source of pollution and damage. Extensive investigations of over 15 technologies resulted in a unique design offering both the best protection and the most effective way to clean the lens.
Effective and Sustainable.
Depending on the situation, the most effective cleaning modus is selected. At high speed for example, the protection system is used in combination with a wetting rail and a uni-directional wiper system. This reduces the fluid consumption up to 90 % compared to the current nozzle based solutions. An effective contamination disposal system further enhances the sustainability.
The high paced development of the lidar and cameras units generates new demands for any protection and cleaning system continuously. The system MCi developed is adaptable to the dimensions and the curve of the lens. Furthermore, the wide variety of programmable cleaning protocols offer the flexibility to adapt to your needs.